The Bistro is a casual and affordable restaurant run by VCC instructors and students. They needed a takeout menu and promotional items for their newest grab-and-go feature, catered towards VCC students and employees near the campus.
Challenge: Promote the grab-and-go feature of the restaurant using promotional items and redesign the logo to make
it look more fun, fresh and inviting.
it look more fun, fresh and inviting.

A. 4.5”x 5.5” Takeout Menu, Double Sided

B. 3”x10” Sticker Sealer for Bags and Coasters

C. Logo Process
Solution: I picked a handwritten font to make the logo look friendlier and more organic. The swashes also looks like they were made with a quick speed which gave the logo an impression of being fast. I also illustrated the chef’s hat that the students wear in order to create a distinctive and fun element that can be used for the promotional items.